Our Mission

The UK has the most expensive childcare in the world. It is not uncommon to see parents being forced out of their jobs and children losing access to nurseries because of the unaffordable childcare. At Little Steps Financing, we are committed to making childcare accessible to more parents and children in the UK through a unique solution.  We partner up with reputable nurseries, finance the monthly childcare costs of parents, and give parents the opportunity to repay us over a longer period of time at 0% interest. By spreading their expensive monthly childcare costs into several interest-free instalments, parents break the barrier of high upfront childcare costs and children get access to the high-quality childcare they deserve.


At Little Steps Financing, we fulfill our vision through partnerships. We are very proud to have created two constructive partnerships.  

Our first partnership is with the London Early Years Foundation (LEYF), one of the largest and most reputable nursery chains in London. Through a Pilot Programme that we launched in synergy with LEYF, we help parents get access to the services of selected LEYF nurseries.

Our second partnership is with London Business School (LBS). Little Steps Financing is backed by LBS with the support, services, and network of the Incubator Programme of London Business School for the year 2021-2022. 

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London Business School

Proud member of the Incubator Programme of 2021-2022

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London Early Years Foundation

Our Pilot Programme runs now in selected nurseries of the London Early Years Foundation